The Loyal

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Script idea

Ok so based on that Call of Duty commercial I have written script. Now it is not quite finished yet (running it through my script editor currently) Essentially I want to bring the in game experience to life. AKA Show person join a lobby. Have some people yell obscenities at each other and then end up on the same team. I want to have noobtoobs. Then have some war scene making fun of the perks. I.E. Show someone with hardline and scavenger just tearing through ammo, a guy using hardened getting...hardened before the match and one of his team mates quitting, and last but not least a guy who is using Last Stand but doesn't have the pro version so he is forced to lay there waiting for much pain.

That is all I am revealing for now. This all may be cut out just for the last little bit. Because I hate last stand (yet love it at the same time because it is good for those pesky campers...)

Regh out.


  1. sounds humorous. it would be great to read some snippits of the script when you've finished writing/editing.

  2. Share a bit of it with us when youre ready, sounds great.

  3. sounds cool, you going to be posting it as you go along?

  4. good idea, let us know when it's finished

  5. Seems legit. I hope you make all this into a real video and post it here.

  6. Haha, sounds like it could be good. I like this idea!
